Mexico: Campeche Becomes 7th State with Same-sex Marriage


Campeche became the latest Mexican state to approve same-sex marriage today when their Congress voted 34-1 in favor of a marriage bill submitted by the Governor.

Despite recent protests from religious groups, several members of Congress told the media that the reform in Campeche’s Civil Code was necessary as both an order from Mexico’s Supreme Court and as an issue of rights.

The bill will be promulgated and published in the state’s official gazette in the coming days.

Campeche joins Mexico City and the states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Guerrero, Jalisco, Nayarit and Quintana Roo as the Mexican jurisdictions that allow same-sex couples to wed without a court injunction.

For more information on the journey to marriage equality in Mexico, please visit:


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